Welcome to RTC FileIt 

Every time we add some new functionally to FileIt you will be able to view all the details of what is new within this section here! 

We welcome any feedback you may have. 

New Functionality 

Visit Folder

1. Visit Folder - Tabs

Within visit folders, we have now added 'tabs' so that users can choose between viewing the documents associated to the folder, notes that have been added, checklists and the logfile of the visit folder.


Following on from the creation of the visit folder 'tabs' we have introduced the ability for users to add notes to a visit folder by clicking on the 'Add Note' link.


We have also made it possible to add create checklists, link to folder statuses, and assign them to locations so that they will appear within visit folders. This will give users the ability to ensure that onsite processes are being followed (see 'Checklist - Settings' within this release guide for further details).


We have now added the ability for users to view a logfile against every visit folder. Simply click onto the 'Logfile' tab and you will see a complete logfile containing information associated to the visit folder you are in.

2. Restore deleted documents/media

The ability to recover documents/media is permission based. Please contact your FileIt administrator 

Within the V1.1.0 release, we introduced the ability to delete files from a visit folder, and following on from that, users will now have the ability to restore/recover deleted files. 

If any files have been deleted within a visit folder, they will now appear in a 'Deleted Documents' accordion header. To restore/recover the document, simply click on the 'Recover Document' button.

Search Facilities

3. Amend quick search function

When searching for a visit folder, we have now renamed the quick search functions seen at the top of the page from 'Active, This Week, Last Week, This Month and Last Month' to 'Active, Today, Yesterday, This Week and Next Week' (search functionality behind each quick search has also been amended to correspond to the correct search criteria).

System Settings

4. Checklist - Settings

As mentioned previously, we have now added checklist functionality into visit folders, and in order to set up checklists, users must navigate to System Settings>FileIt>Manage Checklists. Within this screen, users will be able to create new checklists, edit & delete existing checklists. **There is also the added capability to attach a status to a checklist in order to prevent a user from changing the status without the require check being complete (for more information on how to set up checklists, please refer to the 'How To' docs).

5. Configure File Extensions

Within this latest release, we have introduced the ability for users to configure which file extensions the FileIt system will accept during manual document uploads. Therefore, any file extensions that you wish to be uploaded to the system, must be stipulated in the File Extensions list. System Settings>FileIt>Valid File Extensions (for more information on how to manage file extensions, please refer to the 'How To' docs).

6. Manage Folder Statuses

Users can now create and manage their own folder statuses. Simply navigate to System Settings>FileIt>Folder Statuses and from this screen, you will be able to edit/delete existing folder statuses, and create new ones (for more information on how to manage file extensions, please refer to the 'How To' docs).

7. Manage Document Categories

Users can now create and manage their own document categories. Simply navigate to System Settings>FileIt>Document Categories and from this screen, you will be able to edit/delete existing categories and create new ones (for more information on how to manage document categories, please refer to the 'How To' docs).

8. Manage Document Types

Users can now create and manage their own document types. Simply navigate to System Settings>FileIt>Document Types and from this screen, you will be able to edit/delete existing types and create new ones (for more information on how to manage document types, please refer to the 'How To' docs). 

Please note that some of these features will be permission/role based. Please contact your system administrator for more information. Further detailed information will be available in the 'How To' docs