The ability to configure and manage folder statuses is permission based. Please contact your FileIt administrator

In order to manage folder statuses, you will need to navigate to System Settings>FileIt>Folder Statuses. 

Once you have accessed Folder Statuses, you will see a screen similar to the below.

Creating a new Folder Status

1. In order to create a new folder status, first click on the 'Add Folder Status' link in the top right hand corner.

2. You will then be presented with the below screen where you will be able to enter the Description, Display Name, Background Colour, Text Colour and assign the status to one or more cabinets. You will also be able to view a preview of the folder status and you can choose where the folder status will be an 'Active Status', which means that any visit folder that is set to that status will display when the user chooses the 'Active' search function when searching for visits.

3. Once you are happy with your choices, simply click on the 'Save' button and your new folder status will then appear in the folder statuses list.

Editing a Folder Status

1. In order to edit a folder status, simply click on the 'edit' button next to the status you wish to amend. You will then be presented with a screen where you can amend the Description, Display Name, Background Colour and Text Colour. You will also be able to choose whether it is an 'Active Status' or not and you can add or remove any cabinets that the status is assigned to. To add a cabinet, click on the + (plus) sign and to remove a cabinet, click on the 'bin' icon.


Please note that some cabinets cannot be deleted if the status is currently being used. In this scenario, you will see a numbered icon in place of the 'bin' icon. Therefore, any folders set to that status will have to be moved to another status before the system will allow you to remove it from the cabinet.

2. After you have finished making your changes, click on the 'Save' button and the system will redirect you back to the folder statuses list.

Please note that any folder statuses with a 'padlock' icon are protected. This means that the status cannot be deleted, and the Description of the folder status cannot be amended.

Deleting a Folder Status


As previously mentioned, any status with a 'padlock' icon is protected and cannot be deleted.

1. In order to delete a folder status, simply click on the 'bin' icon next to the status you wish to delete.

2. After clicking on the 'bin' icon, a line will appear through the folder status to indicate that it has been deleted.

Restoring a deleted Folder Status

1. When a folder status is deleted, it is still retrievable as the system only preforms a 'soft delete'. In order to recover/restore any statuses that have been previously deleted, first click on the 'Show Deleted' filter box and then click on the 'recover' button next to the status you wish to restore. The selected status will then be restored.