Within a visit folder, you will be able to see a number of 'tabs'. The visit folder will always default to the Documents tab, but there are also the Notes tab, Checklist tab and Logfile tab.
In order to access the features within the Notes tab, simply click on 'Notes' and you will be presented with the below screen.
Viewing a note
To view notes that have been added to a visit folder by yourself of your colleagues, simply click on the Notes tab and you will see a list of all notes that are associated to the visit folder.
Please note that the system will always display the most recently added note at the top.
Adding a note
1. To add a note to a visit folder, simply click on the 'Add Notes' link in the right-hand corner.
2. A pop-up box will display on screen. Enter your note and click the 'Add Note' button
3. Your note will then successfully save and will automatically populate with a date & time stamp, along with the name of the user who added the note
Deleting a note
1. If you wish to delete your note as it was added in error or is no longer needed, simply open up the Notes tab and click on the Trash icon next to the note that you wish to delete
2. A confirmation pop-up box will then appear on screen asking to confirm if you wish to delete the note. If so, click the 'Delete' button.
3. After you have clicked the 'Delete' button, the screen will refresh, and the note will have successfully been removed
Please note that based on your permissions, you will only be able to delete a note that you have added. Users with a higher level of permission will be able to delete notes that they did not originally add. Please contact your FileIt administrator for more information