Within a visit folder, you will be able to see a number of 'tabs'. The visit folder will always default to the Documents tab, but there are also the Notes tab, Checklist tab and Logfile tab.

In order to access the features within the Checklist tab, simply click on 'Checklist' and you will be presented with the below screen.


Please refer to 'How to configure/manage checklists' for information on how to setup checklists.

Completing a checklist

1. To complete a checklist (or mark the checklist as N/A), simply click into the checklist tab and locate the checklist you wish to complete. Then either select the 'Complete' or 'Not Applicable' button and the system will automatically update the checklist with a time & date stamp, along with your name to confirm that you have completed the checklist (or marked it as N/A)

A green tick denotes that the checklist has been 'completed' and a black N/A symbol denotes that the checklist has been marked as 'Not Applicable'.

Clearing a checklist

1. In order to clear a checklist that has been marked as 'Completed' or 'Not Applicable', simply click on the 'Clear' link next to the checklist

2. The system will then automatically refresh, and the checklist will revert back to its default state

Please note that only users with a high level of permission will be able to 'clear' checklists that they did not originally complete (or mark as N/A). Please contact your FileIt administrator for more information 

Checklists and folder statuses

On some occasions, you may not be able to change the folder status to a particular status as one or more checklists may not have been completed. In this scenario, you will see the below warning message.

When you see a message like this, it means that a checklist has been linked to a folder status, and the checklist must be completed (or marked as N/A) before the system will let you update the folder status to a particular option. Therefore, you will need to ensure that the corresponding checklist(s) has/have been completed (or marked as N/A) and then you will be able to change the folder status to the status you desire.

Please refer to 'How to configure/manage checklists' for information on how to setup checklists and link them to folder statuses.