Within a visit folder, you will be able to see a number of 'tabs'. The visit folder will always default to the Documents tab, but there are also the Notes tab, Checklist tab and Logfile tab.

In order to access the features within the Logfile tab, simply click on 'Logfile' and you will be presented with the below screen.

Please note that the system will default to show the most recent logfile entry at the top, but you can reorder this by clicking on the name of the column header, and the system will then order the list based on your selection.

Ordering the logfile

1. As the system defaults to show the most recent logfile entry at the top of the list, you may wish to view the logfile in a different order, and you can do this by dragging and dropping the column headers into the 'order space' above. 

2. For example, by dragging and dropping the 'User' column header into the 'order space', the system will then group together all of the logfile entries by user.

3. You can then expand the groups to view all of the logfile entries by the selected user.

Please note that multiple column headers can be placed into the 'order space' at the same time i.e., Date followed by User, followed by Filename etc.

Filtering the logfile

The logfile can also be filtered to hide information that you may not wish to see. For example, you may not want to see logfile entries by a particular user.

1. In order to filter the logfile, simply click on the 'Filter' icon next to the column header, and a filter box will appear onscreen.

2. Deselect the information that you do not wish to see and click 'OK'.

3. The logfile will then automatically refresh, and the information that you have filtered, will no longer appear in the list.


Users can also access an advanced customer filter option by choosing an option from the list (shown below) or by choosing the 'Custom Filter' option.

Please note the following criteria that is displayed within the visit folder logfile


  • Folder Created
  • Folder Status Changed
  • Note Deleted
  • Note Added



  • Document Created
  • Document Accessed
  • Reference Changed
  • Type Changed
  • Category Changed
  • Signed
  • Not Signed
  • Document Deleted
  • Doc