When preparing a Marshall dealer from VHC only to WSM please note the following to ensure a working workshop management booking tracker solution at the end of the process...

1) Check agent details and permissions (ensure no duplicates or multiple dealer permissions)

2 Check "real team" set up for team managers on site.

2) Check suitability of current booking statuses and parameters set agreed to use for dealer.

3) In general details table ensure that the RTR and RTS Rawports are set from -1 to 0 (Zero) VIP (otherwise you will not be able to change job statuses)

4) In line with 3 above, ensure that you have set the parameter of WMAllJobStatuses to reflect the value of the actual booking statuses used in All Jobs.

5) When enabling KCC Status watcher ensure that the table found in misc of ISKccClockingParams is reflective of the booking statuses used both for clocking on and off jobs within the booking statuses table (eg if Q is used for control of QC that this is the letter used for that status within both the booking statuses  and the ISkccClockingparams table)

6) Excess open inspections and or bookings may need closure via ops request.