In the Customer Release Guide for the 2.16 build we have introduced New Functionality and also system improvements both in Workshop Management and the Link system. We also fixed certain reported bugs within these systems during this build development period, the reporting customer has also been added. The relevant JIRA and HD reference number will also be added where applicable.
Workshop Management 2.16
Link 2.16
- Affected parameters for correct set-up where applicable
- User permission level required to access the function.
- Default settings after the upgrade
- Tech App Latest version is 2.12.3 (M 2023)
- Advisor App Latest version 4.3.2 (iPadOS 16.3.1)
- New Features
- Improvements
- RTC - 4320 - BMW - WSM Clocking Tab Write Up Area to Read Only
- RTC - 4321 - BMW - Tech App Clocking Write Up Area Permission to Add-only when Clocking is completed.
- RTC - 4322 - BMW - Clocking Report to Include Write Up Information Column Report – ‘Clocking by Booking by
- RTC - 4371 - Advisor App Rebook shouldn’t delete anything but change what the damage check is stored against
- RTC - 4475 - Parameter to manage Email failure notifications
- RTC - 4487 - Send Altus a new labour line number after it has been approved and written to the DMS
- RTC - 4492 - Improvements to CitNOW/RTC Inegration for CtiNOW media with RTC Online EVC
- RTC - 4528 - Online EVC Media Landing Page Fixes/Improvements identified during Cocoon testing
- RTC - 4513 - Extract service AutoClockOff routine needs to call the Altus Finish Work endpoint
- RTC - 4025 - Inspection System - allow multi select on labour lines
The 3 main points below will help you understand how to use and how to have the necessary set up for each new feature or improvement.
- *Default settings after the upgrade
- **User permission level required to access the function
- *** This function requires additional configuration, please contact the account management team
New Features
RTC - 3851 - Show Loyalty score of the potential customer from IHS CFA API in Link
New dropdown for Loyalty Score if the Contact Type is Unmapped IHS Leads
New Score box added to be able to filter by score in the below grid view.
Loyalty Score Column has also been added to the Manage Contacts screen which you can access with LINK_ADMIN special privilege.
*** This function requires additional configuration, please contact the account management team
RTC - 4320 - BMW - WSM Clocking Tab Write Up Area to Read Only
WM now checks LabourClockingStatus table for AllowEditWriteUps to determine if write ups are allowed to be edited based on current labour line Clocking Status.
When set to allow edit the notes/writeup field below can be altered/edited.
*** This function requires additional configuration, please contact the account management team
RTC - 4321 - BMW - Tech App Clocking Write Up Area Permission to Add-only when Clocking is completed.
This now checks table LabourClockingStatus for field [AllowWriteUpEdit]. If set to True (DEFAULT is True) then edit writeups is allowed, if set to False, which could be set for say completed lines, then write ups cannot be edited, but new write ups can be added.
Also tested in conjunction with existing parameter ‘TechNotesReadOnly,’ as if this is set, techs are never allowed to edit write ups.
*** This function requires additional configuration, please contact the account management team
RTC - 4322 - BMW - Clocking Report to Include Write Up Information Column Report – ‘Clocking by Booking by
RegNumber’ now includes Write up.
*Default settings after the upgrade
RTC - 4371 - Advisor App Rebook shouldn’t delete anything but change what the damage check is stored against
Once a wip is rebooked it is now possible to do a further damage check. The system will now distinguish between new and rebooked jobs and handle them accordingly.
*Default settings after the upgrade
RTC - 4475 - Parameter to manage Email failure notifications
We have a new column in the site table called 'BouncedEmailTypes' which defaults to 'Deferred,Bounce,Dropped' If set to blank this will disable return to sender bounced emails.
*** This function requires additional configuration, please contact the account management team
RTC - 4487 - Send Altus a new labour line number after it has been approved and written to the DMS
After authorising work in the Inspection system labour lines now correctly add in WSM as the next available line number. This no longer changes.
*Default settings after the upgrade
RTC - 4492 - Improvements to CitNOW/RTC Inegration for CtiNOW media with RTC Online EVC
Changed CItNOW media link in RTCMedia Online VHC to use external browser.
Changed Integration to use embedded URL rather than Media URL when storing in RTC Media DB
Changed OnlineEVC page to use iFrame with the embed URL instead of media viewer.
*** This function requires additional configuration, please contact the account management team
RTC - 4528 - Online EVC Media Landing Page Fixes/Improvements identified during Cocoon testing
Numerous fixes, improvements and updates.
*Default settings after the upgrade
RTC - 4513 - Extract service AutoClockOff routine needs to call the Altus Finish Work endpoint
Auto Clock off now works with Altus.
*Default settings after the upgrade
RTC - 4025 - Inspection System - allow multi select on labour lines
You can now select shift and select multiple lines in the DMS labour tab and drag them all to the work identified together in one go.
*Default settings after the upgrade